Getting Started at MCC
This page provides a concise summary of all of the information you need to know about playing chess at MetroWest Chess Club (MCC). Possibly most importantly, please note that you must be registered online in order to play at MCC.Where and When
Our printable informational flyer provides all the details about exactly when we meet and our location. It also includes a QR code which will allow you to easily locate us on Google Maps. You Must be Registered Online
Unlike many clubs, and unlike how MCC has historically operated, players must be registered online prior to being able to play at MCC. This is essential, as we use an online third-party system to create pairings for each tournament round. Do I Need to Bring Anything?
Besides yourself, you will ideally want to bring:
- Your own USCF-compliant chess board and chess set
- A chess clock which is capable of using delay
Anything Else?
Especially if you're new to chess or to club touraments, you may well have other questions which are not addressed here. If so, we recommend reading our FAQ page, where you'll find many additional questions answered.
Finally ...
Regarding Covid: Even though most restrictions have now been dropped nationwide, we urge you not to attend MCC if you are experiencing Covid-like symptoms, or have been in recent close contact with anyone who has. We hope you appreciate that this is for the health and safety of all our players.