Metrowest Chess Club, Framingham, Massachusetts

Club Demographics

The MetroWest Chess Club creates various statistics about its players' participation so it can make improvments and better decisions about its programs. We also maintain interesting regional statistics.

Currently all our demographics start from the year 2023.

Club Level Attributes

City Distribution

Which directions to players head home to

The direction "Equal" means that it is Equal with the club's location, Framingham.


Regional Demographics

The MetroWest Chess Club also has an interest in monitoring the chess community that surrounds it. Listed below are the demographic reports we generate to help us gauge the activity and interraction of the clubs and events in our region.

The data begins in the year 2023. Most of the clubs mentioned below were active for most of 2023.
  • The MetroWest CC resumed activity in July.
  • The Waltham CC halted activities due to losing their playing site and have not yet resumed activity.

Area Clubs Monthly Attendance

The Boylston Club meets multiple times a week so they are broken out into different reports than for the other clubs which meet just once a week.

Returning Players from previous months

Who is playing at the club and how many times they have played. Note: Scholastic Events are not included.

Individual Player Attendance at each club

Who is playing at the club and how many times they have played. Note: Scholastic Events are not included.

Weekend Tournaments Attendance

A collection of different organizers run weekend events in the region.

Players who play at Two clubs

Not all clubs have an overlap of players. If there is no overlap of players the report will no list any names but will display the title and a section showing a count of one.

Players who play at MetroWest, Wachusett or Plainville, that meet on Wednesday nights

Players who play at the Regional Organizers Events and at one of the Regional Chess Clubs

The club attendance looks back three months and for the CCA overlap, usually the most recent CCA event in the region compared.