
Website Ranking


General Information about the MCC Search Engine Site Submittals

For several years the club has been using a Search Engine submittal tool to increase the probability that someone looking for the club will find us on the web.  Generally, a submittal was done every several months on a haphazard basis.  Even with such little attention paid to this process, the club's site has consistently been fairly high ranked on the major search engines.  It should be noted that it is strongly recommended that you do not submit your site more than once a month as many sites will consider you to be spamming or trying too hard to move up the rankings list.
The tool we've been using is called  AdWeb WebSite Promoter from  Cyberspace HQ
As part of our annual upgrade, we get automatic updates of Search Engine info that is used by the program.
  Starting with Version 6 (early 2003) the tool has the ability to track which sites had failed submissions and allows us to resend to just those at a later time.  This makes for a much more thorough coverage and eases that overall task of managing this submittal process.

Additional information

About Pay for Placement sites  (Yahoo is listed as one)

What do the reports tell us ?

There's a large variety of information in the reports.  Explore all the pages.  At first it can seem overwhelming but once you get a perspective on what it is your looking at, it will get you thinking.
The Page Adviser Report examines the various key words we've selected to have search engines catalog us.  Some of their advice seems a bit too simplistic but it will help you think about how you may want to adjust things.
The Ranking report tells us where we stand on the various search engines.  It tells us our overall ranking and on what page of the listing we are going to be seen on. 

Ranking / Submittal Reports

2003-03-29 High number of connection errors.  Need to be re-submitted

Tips for the person using the program to generate the reports

The "complex" engines seem to change their categories a lot so before submitting, remember to check the categories for each.
  Before running a report, you should run all the tools first.  This is not obvious as at the end of each tool you are asked if you want a report.  For posting to the web, run all the tools first then run the report.  Suggested order of tools to run are:
   Profile Set up  - Verify keywords still optimal, engines selected, complex categories checked
   Page Advisor -  Might want to look over the results before submitting
   Site Submission
   Rank Check  (select Profile not quick rank)
Remember to select "Full Report" from among the many options.
  Upgrades of the program, even minor ones tend to wipe out any saved "Profiles".  They do not make it easy to back up your profiles.  The good news is that setting up the profiles is a lot easier than it used to be so it is not very difficult or time consuming any more.  Just remember to pick all your options in all the tools and then save the profile