
Physical Preparation Notes




The most important things to remember when creating content with MS Word to be posted on the web.

    The entire document should consist of tables with columns used to provide horizontal spacing and alignment.  Tables when translated to HTML hold their formatting almost perfectly.
    When the number of columns needed to organize the data needs to be different than previously, a new table with the appropriate number of columns should be used as opposed to using the same table with the rows split into additional columns.  The reason for this is that Word will allow any number of columns within the same table to have different widths.  HTML forces all the column edges to line up.  For example all rows that have three columns will align with all other rows that have three columns no matter where they are located in the same table.  Four with four,  but the third with the other thirds, etc.
    The use of spaces and tabs for formatting in the Word document should NOT be used.  The use of columns and multiple tables will, when properly done eliminate the need for spaces and tabs.  HTML will sometimes eliminate spaces and tabs may not be rendered the same on every machine.


    A collection of all the MCC players is available for Newsletter use.  The photos are sized to be 180 pixels wide with the height kept in proportion to what ever size they naturally are.  This size allows it to fit within a Word template file with a borderless table with four cells across.  The 180 pixels is approximately 2 inches wide.  It is very easy to generate all the photos at a different width if necessary.  It is recommended that photos only be resized downward in Word and never stretched bigger.  Stretching bigger will always result in distortion.  Therefore, you should request the photos at the maximum size you might need them.   If you only need a few that are larger you can download the larger image from the club Face Book collection.