Charter of the MetroWest Chess Club

as amended by actions of the Board and vote of the Membership

March 1, 1994

  1. Affiliation
    1. The MetroWest Chess Club shall be affiliated with the United States Chess Federation and the Massachusetts Chess Association.
  2. Membership
      1. Membership shall be open to all persons upon payment of membership dues. The MetroWest Chess Club shall not discriminate against any person because over see, religion, national origin, sex or sexual preference, or political affiliation.
      2. United States Chess Federation (USCF) membership shall be required only for participation in USCF-rated events. USCF membership is, however, strongly recommended for all members.
      3. If so designated by the Board of Directors, certain organization-sponsored activities may be open to non-members.
      4. Membership may be revoked for any individual judged by three-quarters of the membership to be guilty of misconduct.
      5. Membership shall expire on the last of the month the specified number of months after receipt of membership dues.
  3. Organization
    1. Board of Directors
      1. Executive authority of the MetroWest Chess Club shall be vested in a Board of Directors, which shall formulate the program and policy of the organization.
      2. At least annually, the Board shall approve the organization’s budget, and schedule, location, and format of events and activities.
      3. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the following:
        1. President
        2. Program Director
        3. Treasurer
        4. Four Members-at-Large, with an additional Member-at-Large for each twenty five members in excess of one hundred.
      4. Individuals may hold more than one position on the Board, but shall have no more than one vote.
      5. The Board may create subordinate to itself appointive officers and standing or ad hoc committees and delegate to them responsibility for specific affairs.
    2. Meetings of the Board of Directors
      1. Meetings of the Board shall be called by the President or a majority of the Directors.
      2. A quorum shall consist of four Directors at meetings for which at least ten days written notice was provided.
      3. For meetings without notice, a quorum shall consist a majority of the Board's membership.
      4. Permanent records shall be kept of all Board meetings and must be made accessible to any club member upon request.
    3. Election of Officers
      1. Officers shall be elected by mail ballot during the month of February.
      2. Election shall be by majority of votes cast.
      3. Members of the Board must be current club members at the time of their election or their election shall be deemed nullified.
      4. Members of the Board may succeed themselves.
    4. Tenure
      1. Tenure of office shall terminate at the conclusion of the next regular Annual Meeting of the General Membership.
    5. Resignation, Suspension, or Removal of Board Members
      1. Members of the Board may resign their position by submitting written notice to the President.
      2. Members of the Board may be suspended from their duties by unanimous vote of the remaining Board members.
      3. Suspension or temporary disqualification shall not be construed as creating a vacancy, though the President may make temporary delegation of duties thus affected.
      4. Members of the Board may be removed from office without cause by a vote of two-thirds of the general membership.
    6. Vacancies
      1. Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled through appointment by the Board. The individual selected shall exercise all the functions of that office for the remainder of the term.
  4. Duties of Members of the Board of Directors
    1. President
      1. Shall be the chief executive officer of the MetroWest Chess Club.
      2. Shall exercise general supervision over the welfare of the organization, subject to the Board of Directors.
      3. Shall call Board of Directors meetings as necessary.
      4. Shall preside over meetings of the Board and the general membership
      5. Shall appoint non-elective officers with the advice and consent of the Board, and delegate other duties as necessary.
      6. Shall appoint and exercise general supervision of all committees.
      7. Shall be an ex-officio member on all committees
      8. Shall receive reports as required from other officers.
      9. Shall, by delegation if necessary, keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the general membership.
      10. Shall conduct and receive the official correspondence of the organization, oversee the archives of the club's correspondence, and maintain all other records of the club except those maintained by the Treasurer and the Program Director.
    2. Program Director
      1. Shall arrange, coordinate, and exercise general supervision over the activities of the MetroWest Chess Club.
      2. Shall at least annually, prepare and submit to the Board of Directors a program of events and activities.
      3. Shall be himself a USCF-certified tournament director, obtain and supervise tournament directors for all club events, and insure the proper rating of USCF-rated events sponsored by the MetroWest Chess Club.
      4. Shall be responsible for maintaining the records of the club with regard to its chess program, including records of events held, ratings reports, and other event-related matters.
      5. The Program Director shall be the ranking officer during the absence or disability of the President, and shall exercise all the powers and duties of the President during the President's absence or inability to act.
    3. Treasurer
      1. Shall be the chief financial and accounting officer of the MetroWest Chess Club.
      2. Shall create and maintain the bank accounts and petty cash system of the organization, and collect, record, and deposit all membership dues and other income.
      3. Shall make or authorize all disbursements.
      4. Shall prepare an annual budget and give periodic financial reports to the Board and the general membership.
      5. Shall be responsible for maintaining the organization's tax status.
      6. Shall conduct all other financial business of the organization.
      7. Shall keep all inventories and financial records.
      8. Shall maintain records of the club's membership.
    4. Members-at-Large
      1. Members-at-Large shall serve with powers and duties to be determined by the Board.
  5. Meetings of the General Membership
    1. Regular Annual Meeting
      1. A meeting of the general membership shall be held annually during the month of March.
      2. All members shall be notified and supplied with an agenda at least ten days in advance of the meeting.
      3. The meeting shall receive reports from the President, Program Director, and Treasurer, and shall discuss the policies and program of the club.
      4. The meeting shall conclude the term of the outgoing Board of Directors.
    2. Additional General Meetings
      1. Additional meetings of the general membership maybe called with at least ten days notice to the members, at the discretion of the Board of Directors or upon application of ten percent of the general membership.
    3. Conduct of the Meetings of the General Membership
      1. No quorum shall be required.
      2. Standing rules and other motions may be passed, amended, or rescinded by majority vote.
      3. Parliamentary procedure for the meetings shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
    4. Records
      1. A permanent record of the meetings of the general membership shall be maintained; these and copies of all standing rules shall be made accessible to all members upon request.
  6. Financial Organization
    1. Dues
      1. The Board of Directors shall determine the membership dues of the MetroWest Chess Club.
      2. The Board may create differential dues for different classes of membership, and may at its discretion authorize promotional memberships for specified periods.
      3. The Board may require the payment of additional fees for participation in various activities.
      4. The Board may impose additional surcharges on members as needed.
    2. Capital Authorization
      1. The Treasurer may make or authorize disbursements up to a limit set by the Board of Directors. Disbursements above this limit must have the additional approval of the President.
    3. Tax Status
      1. The business affairs of the MetroWest Chess Club shall be conducted in compliance with the Requirements of Section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
    4. Additional Accounts and Funds
      1. The Board of Directors may create special trust funds and other accounts for the purpose of furthering specific goals of the organization.
  7. Subsidiary and Predecessor Organizations
    1. Subsidiary Organizations
      1. Subsidiary organizations may be created by the Board of Directors to effect the purposes of the MetroWest Chess Club.
      2. Executive authority for these organizations shall be vested with the Board of Directors of the MetroWest Chess Club.
      3. Subsidiary organizations and the MetroWest Chess Club shall maintain a completely integrated fiscal structure.
    2. Merger or Acquisition
      1. To effect its purposes, the MetroWest Chess Club may merge with or acquire existing organizations, with the approval of the Board of Directors of the MetroWest Chess Club and both the management and general membership of the applicant organization.
      2. The MetroWest Chess Club may not acquire or become part of any organization that conflicts with the non-profit character of the MetroWest Chess Club or its Section 501(c)(7) tax status.
    3. Predecessor Organization
      1. The MetroWest Chess Club is the successor organization to the Norfolk-Middlesex Chess Association.
  8. Amendment
      1. This Charter may be amended in whole or in part upon an affirmative vote with at least ten days notice of three-quarters of the Board of Directors. This act of amendment must be confirmed by majority vote at the next meeting of the general membership, or be considered rescinded.